Old Soldiers, Higher Oaths & Heaven on Earth

Here is a radio interview I did recently examining the Middle East Crisis from a Spiritual Forces point of view. A key message was reminding military officers and soldiers to act from their own Individual Oaths of Allegiance to Higher Principles and Conscience rather than Presidential Orders & Sovereign Oaths of Allegiance. Military Special Forces must become Spiritual Forces who balance the Scales of War and Peace. Be The Bearers of Life and Death. Acting from a higher sense of duty and planetary point of view. Put the Sol back into the word Sol-dier. We need wise old Souls in key Military Commands to prevent future World Wars. Benevolent intelligence hacks to override remote killing technologies. The Middle East Conflict in my opinion symbolizes the end of the Bible Story. Not the end of Earth. We will need some global breakdowns and breakthroughs as we rewrite a New Story for Earth and Humanity.

The Middle East is a complex archaeology of historical, religious and geographical layers thousands of years old. I cannot do this subject justice and there are better qualified people to speak and comment. Yet through a spiritual lense, I see that this as a global turning point where we can consciously create Heaven or Hell on Earth. It starts within each person. Heaven is not being biblical but seeing little heavens & miracles appearing all over the world as we shift to global heart awakening. Little Gardens of Eden or equivalent sanctuaries of inspired humanity. Hell is to keep on our current path towards WW3 destruction and destroy most of humanity and surface life. Either way, Earth will continue.

Click here to hear the interview:

middle east crisis aio koa hirini reedy global freedom movement

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