The Courage of a Little Bird in the Rain

Why are we not fully living our paths if we know that we are all meant to be enthused, excited, universal flow, higher expressions of life? Why are we not creating from the heart and soul rather than purely living from a mind-money consciousness which keeps people locked inside mental walls of social misery. Why have we become smaller, docile versions of our human selves?

A small bird sits in the pouring rain without feeling sorry it has no raincoat or no money. It does not beg, does not seek therapy nor become homeless. It will just fly away and sing its birdsong in rain & shine? It will build its nest with its own labour & building materials. No bankers or builders needed. It will educate its young using its tiny bird-brain. We must ask bigger questions of ourselves. Do not let this human outworld or falling rain or social pain define us. Live from an inner world of fearless self-definition. Live from an inner palace of heart & fire. Create & radiate your thoughts, words & deeds from this place & state. Have the courage of a little bird in the rain..

small bird in rain

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