WOA PATH – Post 2
As I mentioned prev post, WOA is the acronym for my WALK OF AOTEAROA a second time. Using Maori pronunciation, WOA sounds like the english word WAR. Yes, one does experience conflict as one walks the length of this country New Zealand Aotearoa. Using both names New Zealand and Aotearoa for this country raises differences and preferences. Yet this walk is also about the inner WALK OF AHAU (Self) and the spiritual WALK OF ATUA (Spiritual Presence).

WOA (AHAU) Path insight. Track yourself daily. Both physically and internally. Your daily thoughts are like footprints across the inner terrain of your mind. Review your choices of path. Lift your prevailing thoughts up to the mountaintops of your higher mind. Bathe in the refreshing winds and see expansive views of the braided rivers and valleys yonder. Stay there before you come back down to roadworks, meetings and delays on your daily mental commute. Let not manmade constrictions and anxieties of this 2022 World deplete the flow of your lifeforce. An inner state of calm versus the chaos of the outer world. Not always easy.

Couple days ago, I camped at Castlehill, Kura Tawhiti, the ancient gathering place with huge boulders near Arthurs Pass, South Island. To be in the presence of these Elemental Elders is a humbling experience. To sleep in a small cave shelter with the moon shedding its silvery luminous glow over landscape. Different to the bright sunlight of day. More mystery, less visibility. Need both in our lives. Less doing, more being. Less worrying, more faith. Less reaction, more compassion.

Heading into Arthurs Pass yesterday, I used a bridge on Hwy 73 to avoid crossing a river. The bridge was about 30m long, one lane old construction. I was about halfway across, ambling like a packhorse with my pack with high vis cloth markers tied on. When a big 18 wheeler freight truck with trailer comes up behind me and starts beeping his horn. FFS. I am nearly across the bridge when I stop, turn around and face the truck. Driving man with 20 tonne freight truck versus walking man with 20kg pack standing middle of road. Cmon big truck driver. What gonna do? Run me over. Yeah right. The big truck stops. I make a gesture with my hand to the driver slow down, calm down. The bridges and roads will soon be yours again. I then move to the side of the road kerb and waved him on. His face and body language was not friendly, compassionate. He probably cursed me for interrupting 20 seconds of his right to the bridge and highway. It saved me maybe 10-20 mins climbing over fences, crossing water, avoiding wet boots and then finding an exit. Maybe I carry a orange roadcone next time. Traffic stops for them. The truck driver annoyed me but I soon walked it off. Focus my thoughts on more energising ones. Feel the cool Alpine wind on my face. Count the snowy mountain peaks. Admire Waimakariri River Valley. Walk it out. Walk it in. Reset.

Small steps add up over time. Each day, step onto a new path. One with a heart. Walk your own WOA Path.

Nga mihi nui.

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