“Maranga Mai Aotearoa 2023”

Awakening Sense for Climate Resilience
Aotearoa 2023 


Kia ora,


My name is Hirini Reedy, a Maori environmentalist. Recently I finished walking New Zealand for the second time. First time in 2017. Second time 2022. I am also an ex NZ Army officer who served overseas as well as a Maori healer who has worked internationally. I gained some insights from my last walk which I am acting on right now.


Why am I talking to You?

I am seeking key individuals, strong souls, spiritual kaitiaki (guardians) who are working in key scientific roles. Ones who can become the light-walkers of a new enlightened way of thinking here in Aotearoa in their roles as scientists. We are the first land to see the Sun in the World so let us shine new light during these darkening times. We must awaken a lot quicker.


Why The Urgency Now?

After my walks of Aotearoa, I received spiritual insights gained from walking our country in the daylight and at night. Absorbing nature’s intelligence. The backcountry walks Sunlit mountain peaks. Quiet forest path.. Then Pine Deforestation. Noisy Motorways. Roadworks. Urban Developments. Breaking News!!. Icreated my own intelligence forecast summation below based on my assessment of current events globally and locally:


Intelligence Forecast (2021-2030) Summation

Since the beginning of this current decade in 2021, the increasing climate, geo-political, technological and social disruptions have created a chain-creation of upheaval on multiple fronts from micro-cellular level through to macro-climate scale. It can be described as “NEO-WARFARE” where the breakdown of civil structure and human life in this current decade 2021-2030 will not be caused solely by military conflict but exponentially amplified by the catastrophic convergence of climate conflict, technological conflict, biological conflict & cognitive conflict.


You can apply your own operational assessment of the above Intelligence Summation to your own specific industry. Key Questions to ask.

(1). How is your industry impacting the world? What/who are the top 3 major influencers in your industry right now?

(2) What future timelines will see major impacts in your industry right now, 3 months, 1 year, 3+ years from now? 

(3) What impact can you make in your industry to align with what is needed in the world today?


Note that Open AI Chat GPT-4 can do this type of assessment and more right now? Its initial launch on 30 November 2022 has seen new Chat GPT versions being released roughly every month. The sentience of AI Machine Learning will be a key evolutionary factor in the intelligence curve of humanity.


Key Question To Ask Yourself

A key question to ask myself, Where is my individual human self in all of this? My Soul? My Heart? My Calling of Life? Why am I here right now? Your Role as a Scientist must also align with your Will I become another curated piece of human data using facial recognition to login as REALME? Or is there more to this face I see in the mirror each morning?


Hence this is why this wananga is being run. 


Part 1. Webinar. Awakening Intelligence for Climate Resilience. (Maranga Mai Aotearoa)

In this First Webinar, you become a tracker. You observe and track yourself. You become aware of your extrasensory perceptions. Some call it Clairvoyance. Clairaudience. Just fancy words for sixth sense, gut feeling, hairs rising on the neck, that funny feeling or weird stuff. In Maori, we call it wairua (spiritual essence), matakite (extra sight), mataara (alert awareness), matatau (calm observation) and others. Start to develop your own awakened sensing and merge it with your professional knowledge to converge the two. Like a Maori Mystic collaborating with Military Intelligence to figure out the future landscape of human civilization. 


In this first 90 min webinar, roughly half of it will be on introducing a Maori sensing tracker framework. Final half will be answering questions. Identifying participant natural sensing. 


Part 2. 6 Day Tracking Experience.

Over a 6 Day period, you  will track, observe and journal these extra sensing experiences within your personal and professional life. You will be given a question to answer and use these senses to elicit a first answer, a deeper backstory and potential future adjustments while undergoing your daily work. This also tests your ability to deal with real life distraction and interference. Meetings. Work deadlines. Too tired after work. Screaming kids. Netflix movies. All good training. Create your own movie.


WOA Book – Spiritual Insights from Walking Aotearoa. You will get my book where I used these same tracking skills on my walks of Aotearoa. Communing with nature. Case studies. Examples.


Part 3. Final Webinar. Feedback and Review.

90 Min Zoom to analyse feedback from your 6 Day Tracking Experience. Designing a Future Map. Key Virtues. Developing Your Own Methodology. Walking It Into Action. 


ADDED VALUE (TE REO): You will be exposed to unique Maori Concepts and Words that will assist your understanding of Te REO.



$600 per person. 2 x 90 Min Webinars, 6 Day Tracking Experience/Journal. Book. 

Max of Four People For This Wananga. 

Allows for greater attention from the instructor and cross-sharing between participants. Online signup and payment link TBA.

DATE: During May-June 2023. Matariki New Year 14 July 2023.


VIDEO. Here is a short video story of my first walk of Aotearoa in 2017 produced by a USA Company in 2020. Click on Image.



Kia ora, I am Hirini “Aio Koa”  Reedy.  A  former NZ Army Captain & Aide-de-Camp to Governor-General. I was Maori Advisor to NZ Army Chief on creating Ngati Tumatauenga – The NZ Army Maori Culture.  I have BE(Hons) Civil Engineering & Masters Philosophy on Maori Warrior Arts. Doing PhD on Spiritual Warrior Philosophy. I studied spiritual philosophies, healing arts and martial arts from New Zealand, Pacific and SouthEast Asia.  I created Aio Koa ” Sleeping Seed, Wild Flower”  spiritual martial arts – my own synthesis of spiritual teachings, martial arts, Maori spirituality. I walked twice the length of New Zealand for peace, water and environment.  I live a minimal life and have a duty to assist with Climate Change.Testimonials..

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Hirini Reedy in the field of climate change. A former NZ Army officer and environmental engineer, he spoke about the relevance of the Maori War Effort of WW2 as a template for a unified Maori response to Climate Change. His experience and perspective have added greatly to my own perspective on climate change, and I welcome the opportunity to recommend him.”   

Dr. Rod Carr,
Chairman Climate Change Commission,
Former Chair Reserve Bank of New Zealand,
Former Vice Chancellor, University of Canterbury.

“Captain Hirini Reedy accompanied me on three official overseas visits as my Military Assistant and also served as one of my two personal advisors on tikanga Maori which culminated in Ngati Tumatauenga – The New Zealand Army Bicultural Identity… He is a fine young New Zealander; had he stayed in the Army he could have expected to have held key command appointments and to have progressed to its higher levels. I wish him well in the endeavours he now chooses to pursue. I know he will acquit himself, and any organisation he works with, with distinction.

A.L Birks 

Lieutenant General

Former Chief of New Zealand Defence Force



$44 (Small) – $66 (XL)

These Home Guard Modules are also the foundation lessons for KOA Eco-Warrior Camp For Kids. Two in One Value.

  • Module 1. Make own KOA Badge (Emblem) & Key Behaviours.
  • Module 2. Haa Whenua (Earth Breathing) For Anxiety Attacks
  • Module 3. Peacekeeper (Blue Helmet) Mindset For Strong Mind
  • Module 4. MAIGuard (Mini-Survival Kit) For Self Help
  • Module 5. Complete 10 Day KOA Mission (Series of Tasks)
  • Bonuses. Fortnite Reboot Camp and KOA 2020 Template

All these modules integrate into 10 Day Mission where you and your children practice daily at home & school over 10 days. You the parent is the coach, supporter and mission control for this 10 day mission. It is a team effort. You are learning as much as your child. More suited for 10-12 year olds but my son Te Aio started this when he was 9 years old. Small things practiced daily over 10 days all add up.  Creates resilience and endurance.

This is the groundwork of the KOA Eco-Warrior Camp for Kids. So that they become the Guardians and Caretakers of Mother Earth. Here is a photo of KOA children on Waiheke Island in prayer. The spiritual aspect is important. It gives strength to the physical work we do.

Te Haa Kore Mutunga



Once your Paypal is approved, press RETURN TO MERCHANT button to enter your email to confirm receipt and download your purchase items. New Zealanders Only: If you want to pay into a bank account, here are the details: Westpac Account Aiokoa Trust 03-0531-0030719-00. Send an email to hirinireedy@gmail.com  Then you will get download information sent to you.

All the funding is going into helping our kids prepare for the future climate change years ahead.

Nga mihi nui and Thank you

Hirini Reedy