Originally $66
Now $13

Hello Parent,
I am Hirini, creator of Eco-Warrior (KOA) Kid teachings. In today’s climate changing environment, it is important that we prepare our children for an uncertain future. A key approach is to develop good character and strong self belief as the core foundation. Upon this core foundation we build the layers, the key skills, technologies and intelligence needed for when they become adults.

Here is a photo of the bush movement, tracking and environmental awareness that we teach the children during the Eco-Warrior camps where they learn about self awareness, survival and self-leadership skills.


These Home Modules are foundation lessons for
these Eco-Warrior Camps For Kids.

These modules also embrace the Maori cultural traditions of New Zealand. Yet they can be modified to suit your unique background. Your climate, your culture and customs. These teachings must work for you. Adapt, modify and use.

Module 1. Make own KOA Badge (Emblem), Words & Key Behaviours.
Get your own children to make up their own badges of honour. Every superhero has an emblem. Every special military unit has a code of honour. Get them to define the behaviours that go with their code. Create their own words of power. May The Force Be With You.

Module 2. Haa Whenua (Earth Breathing) For Anxiety Attacks.
Breathing is the quickest way to slow down anxiety attacks and restore calmness. Earth breathing is symbolic of being grounded and safe. Breathe deeply and feel the Earth beneath their feet.

Module 3. Peacekeeper (Blue Helmet) Mindset For Strong Mind.
The UN Blue Helmet is symbolic of peacekeeping force. Your child performs a mind-power sequence that combines calm breathing, powerful words and strong hand movements. Putting on their Blue helmet and keeping the peace.

Module 4. Mini Rescue Kit for School Pack.
Repurpose old pencil case or old toy into mini rescue kit  for inside the school pack. It can help your child or another in an emergency.

Module 5. Complete 10 Day KOA Mission (Series of Tasks).
The 10 Day KOA Mission is designed to practice daily skills over 10 days. Perform 10 push-ups. Easy! Repeat 10 days in a row, kids forget after the first or second day.  Perform Peacekeeper Thinking at home. Perform a daily Act of Kindness. Perform Climate Change Tasks eg. Reduce Waste. The big lesson here is that small daily actions add up over 10 days. 

Added Value. You the parent is the coach, supporter and ground control for this 10 day mission. It is a team effort. You are learning as much as your child. You can participate as well. Build the family strength.


ONLY $13 NOT $66

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All the funding is going into helping our kids prepare for the future climate change years ahead. This is the groundwork of the KOA Eco-Warrior Camp for Kids. So that they become the Guardians and Caretakers of Mother Earth. Here is a photo of KOA children in prayer on Waiheke Island, New Zealand. The spiritual aspect is important. It gives strength to the physical work we do.


Te Haa Kore Mutunga


Nga mihi nui and Thank you


Hirini Reedy